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The World Of Nina is an animated short film that displays some of the possible ideas found about dreams and their connections through the subconscious mind. It is intended to show the viewer some of the ways that humans use in their appearance conscious and information to manage their daily lives into a network of mental connection. On the subconscious, as part of his life, uses and analyzes the inner world through dreams. The theme is based on the established connection of a unconscious state of sleep as interpretation into environmental concern of The Guanica Dry Forest in Puerto Rico (International Biosphere Reserve).


It exposes this concept through the narrative of a young woman, Nina, who give her view of thoughts and become altered or discover its connection with other lives through dreams, it changes her way of thinking about the life on the nature that inhabits the Guanica Forest, Puerto Rico. In the dream she is connected to other beings or mystical creatures through the sense of touch, they create unexpected situations that show a possible damage to the real world. While Nina dreams awake or asleep, her body in the real world can also fall into jeopardy.


Bianca Sierra Martinez is a student at the School of Fine Arts in Puerto Rico, Department of Image & Design and Movements. She presented the project proposal Nina's world since 2011 and she will begin working in 2012, in order to finish and publish it for this year 2013. This project it was screened on June 21, 2013 at the Museum of History of San Juan, Puerto Rico. It also has a soundtracks music of Half Life2 as a great inspiration of Black Mesa Inbound, Dirac Shore, Echoes Of A Resonance Cascade, Highway 17 and Lab Practicum.

The World Of Nina

Year of Production: 2013

Animation 2D Short Film

Running Time: 4:22 min

Color / Sound

Location: Puerto Rico

Video & Animation

© 2013. Proudly created with

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